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Malicious Movie Description - It Rhymes

Category: Movie

What follows is descriptions for nine different movies, all of which are in the same franchise but are not necessarily in order.


  1. An old man turns his life around and throws his boss over a rail.
  2. An immature man-baby turns his life around and throws his dad over a rail.
  3. Two guys fight a scary demon-man and send him falling into a maintenance shaft.
  4. A lovely couple that will totally work out swings over a maintenance shaft as several pursuers fall behind them.
  5. A guy willingly throws himself into a maintenance shaft after learning he's the son of a murderous psychopath.
  6. A guy stops an investigation against his boss by throwing the investigator out a window.
  7. A man who quit his job a long time ago with no notice throws his boss off a catwalk at a work reunion.
  8. A man plunges into the abyss of guilt and shame after he gets revenge for the death of his mother.
  9. Surprise! One of these many abyss-fallers survives somehow.


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