Malicious Media Descriptions

Malicious Media Descriptions

Behold a list of terrible descriptions for beloved movies, books, TV shows, and video games! Guess with your friends!

By: TheHans255


How to Play

  1. Click on any of these puzzle titles
  2. Read the media category and description and see if you can guess what that piece of media is.
  3. As needed, read the hints in order. The hints generally start by twisting the base concept further, then setting it back to reality by making it closer to what the movie or other media is about.
Content Warning: Since the name of the game is about giving an unambiguous, but totally twisted and terrible description for a piece of media, some of these descriptions are a fair bit more risque, violent, or unsettling than the source material (or, at least, the way the source material presents itself). However, I do not include R-rated elements in a description unless the media itself also has a restricted content rating, which I will clearly mark next to the puzzle with an (R).


Copyright © 2022-2024, TheHans255. This work is licensed under the CA BY 4.0 license - permission is granted to share and adapt this content for personal and commercial use as long as credit is given to the creator.